Live Fertile Principle #2: Enjoyable Nourishment

It’s time for part 3 of the 8-part series all about the Live Fertile Philosophy. Last week, we covered the first principle, Fun Movement, and this week we’re covering Enjoyable Nourishment.

Enjoyable Nourishment is the principle I spend most of my time guiding my clients through. When I’m working with someone one-on-one, the guidance I provide is personalized but the foundational questions I ask them and myself are very similar. Whether directly, indirectly, or by taking a look at their Food & Mood journal, I ask:

  • Are they eating enough?

  • Are they eating a variety of foods?

  • Are they eating balanced meals?

  • Are their meals enjoyable?

Each of these is far more important than what I think many people focus on when thinking about nutrition for fertility. Too often people are focused on which foods they should avoid, how they can eat less food overall (how on earth did we so many of start defining “healthy eating” as eating as little as possible???), and which “superfoods” to include in their meals and snacks.

My approach to nutrition, especially fertility nutrition, is rooted in the idea that food is a messenger; it’s one of the ways we communicate to our bodies about how safe and abundant our environment is or isn’t.

When we’re restrictive, we’re essentially telling our bodies that our environment either doesn’t have enough food to sustain us (let alone a new life) or that our environment is unsafe. By eating enough, eating a variety of foods, eating in a balanced manner, and eating enjoyable meals, we’re letting our bodies know this is a land of plenty that can sustain us and others. Makes sense right?

Plus, the eating patterns that science has identified as being fertility protective and supportive, tend to be full of the foods that most of us know would benefit our bodies and overall wellbeing. Fertility nutrition is not complicated and unfamiliar. It’s really about getting about the basics and foundational truths about nutrition.

Below, you’ll find a video and some additional questions/ criteria you can use to help you begin to assess how fertility supportive your meals are. Hope they help!

Eating Enough

  • Am I satisfied with meals for 3-4 hours before experiencing signs of hunger?

    • If not, you might need to eat more in general or more of specific food groups or macronutrients you might be intentionally or unintentionally restricting.

  • Do I experience strong cravings for foods, especially in the evening?

    • If so, you might be undereating earlier in the day or unnecessarily avoiding certain foods you’ve labeled “bad” (I see this a lot with clients who report “being good” earlier in the day, but “lacking willpower” at night. )

Eating a Variety of Foods

  • Am I regularly eating the following foods, and if not, 1) Why not? 2) How can I begin to incorporate the missing foods into more meals and snacks (If I’m not allergic or sensitive to them?)

  • Vegetables of different colors and varieties, including:

    • leafy greens

    • cruciferous vegetables

    • root vegetables and tubers

  • grains

  • fruit

  • mushrooms

  • dairy

  • nuts and seeds

  • beans, peas, and lentils

  • meat, poultry, and eggs

  • fish and shellfish

  • herbs and spices

  • Olive oil and other cooking oils rich in monounsaturated fatty acids

Balanced Meals

  • Do most of my meals and snacks contain fiber-rich, carb-rich, protein-rich, and fat-rich foods as well as herbs and spices?

    • If not, what is missing and how can I add more of that missing piece to my meals?

Enjoyable Meals

  • Are my meals prepared in ways that make them pleasurable? If not, how can you make your meals more enjoyable? Some things to try:

  • roast vegetables

  • add a fun sauce

  • try a different cuisine

  • lookup new recipes

Hope this helps you approach fertility nutrition in a simple, sustainable, and enjoyable way! Be well!

Enjoyable Eats for Fertility Pin 2.png

Live Fertile Principle #3: Rejuvenation


Live Fetile Yoga: Embody Fertility Yoga Sequence Video