Live Fertile

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Thanks to my session with Kendra, I ovulated. Now I'm 7 weeks (going on 8 weeks) pregnant!

Before working with Kendra, what were your symptoms? How were you feeling about your health/ fertility and body?

Before working with Kendra, I was puzzled by my lack of ovulation and felt very out-of-touch with my body. I used to feel so in sync with my body and its idiosyncrasies. But, in recent years, my body felt like a mystery. I had been TTC for almost 2 years (after a miscarriage in 2021), and my goal of pregnancy was still unmet. I had no idea what to fix, but knew something was off my body. And that doctors wouldn't be able to help me in a holistic enough way.

Before working with Kendra, what had you tried/ what were you doing to manage your symptoms/ reach your goals?

Before working with Kendra, I made quite a few dietary and lifestyle changes following TCM fertility principles. I was a vegan up until November 2023, which is when I returned to a vegetarian diet. I also severely limited my caffeine and alcohol intake (not that I consumed too much of either before). In January, I started to include more whole grains in my diet, and practiced yoga and meditation almost daily (to reduce stress and promote mindfulness).

What was it like to work with Kendra? *

Working with Kendra was wonderful! She is very friendly, thoughtful, knowledgable, and encouraging. After talking with Kendra during an initial "howdy call" in February, I didn't realize that my lack of ovulation could be from HA, or hypothalamic amenorrhea, since by all appearances I was regularly bleeding, and in my mind, was getting monthly periods.

Kendra helped me figure out that my past vegan diet was probably too restrictive and wasn't nourishing enough after the birth of my son in 2019 and my miscarriage in 2021. Especially given all the physical activity I tend to include in my day like yoga, gardening, running / walking, aerobic step, and little kid wrangling.

Kendra really got to the bottom of my lack of ovulation, and gave me great action items to work on.

Since working with Kendra, how have your feelings about your health and body changed? * How have your symptoms changed? What goals have you reached?

Talking with Kendra was just the pat on the back I needed! She confirmed that I was making all the right, positive changes to my diet and lifestyle. Our conversation boosted my confidence and body awareness. It gave me such peace of mind to know I was headed in the right direction.

Thanks to my session with Kendra, I ovulated in February. Now it's April, and I'm 7 weeks (going on 8 weeks) pregnant!

What would you say to anyone considering working with Kendra?

Definitely do it! You are in very caring and knowledgeable hands. You WILL NOT regret working with Kendra.

— Stefanie