Live Fertile

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This act of kindness was so gratefully received during a tough time, and proved to me she is absolutely in this for the right reasons

I discovered Kendra's meditations on Insight Timer and then was later so thrilled to discover she had a whole YouTube account with so many brilliant videos. Going through the stress and uncertainty of a long infertility journey, with round after round of IVF, finding a calming, credible voice to help guide me through has been totally invaluable. The meditations are incredibly grounding - indeed I often use them in bed at night to wind down before sleep. Her yoga videos make me feel like I'm doing something pro-active, without putting too much stress on my body. Her tone is positive, calm and grounded in reality, so her affirmations feel authentic and helpful, rather than the slightly condescending airy-fairy stuff you sometimes get in this world! Kendra generously shared a number of meditations with me as audio files, so I could listen without having to always use youtube - this act of kindness was so gratefully received during a tough time, and proved to me she is absolutely in this for the right reasons. Thank you Kendra. 

— Anonymous