On-Demand Embody Fertility Yoga Series and Retreat




  1. 1.

    be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).

Definition from Oxford Languages

Embody Fertility Yoga Series and Retreat Recordings
One time

Conception and fertility have become overly technical, hypermedicalized, and increasingly more disembodied. We’ve replaced a felt sense of fertility and connection to our bodies with data, statistics, and predictive algorithms.

We’re reading all the books, articles, and blog posts. We’re listening to all the podcasts. We’re gathering information from Facebook groups and online message boards. We’re using apps, devices, and urine sticks to identify our fertile window (while ignoring the signs and cues our bodies give us daily.)

We’re trying to do everything we’ve read and listened to perfectly.

Then we demand that our bodies work according to all of the (often conflicting) information we’ve gathered. If things don’t go as planned, we judge and demean our bodies for not doing what we thought they would and should do.

We’re convinced something must be wrong with our bodies because we’ve done everything right. We followed all the rules.

Those fertility wellness rules that fly at us from every corner of the internet provide a (false) sense of control, certainty, and safety. But they also leave us confused and overwhelmed. They often leave us disconnected from our bodies, the well of wisdom, inspiration, and guidance that is always available to us.

I’m convinced honoring our bodies, listening to our bodies, and embodying fertility are what so many of us need. Not more information. Not more rules. Not more shoulds or have to-dos.

What we really need is more stillness, more moments of quiet, and more connection to our bodies, minds, and spirits.

The Embody Fertility Yoga virtual class series and The Embody Fertility Yoga virtual mini-retreat are your chance to tune out the noise, get quiet, and turn inward. This is an opportunity to truly embody fertility, reconnect with your body, and tap into your innate ability to find balance and create life mindfully.

What’s Included

One year access to:

  • Six recordings of live virtual full-length (~45-60 minutes) fertility-focused yoga classes; includes reflection questions

  • One recording of a live virtual fertility yoga mini-retreat (1.5 hours); includes a relaxing fertility yoga sequence, guided visualization, and journal prompts

  • The Five-Minute Fertility Yoga Guide

  • The PCOS + Yoga Guide

Embody Fertility Yoga Series and Retreat Recordings
One time


I’m undergoing fertility treatment, will the yoga sequence be safe for me to practice?

Pose options and variations will be offered throughout the practices to support those who are undergoing ART.

I’m in ______ phase of my cycle, can I do these practices?

Variations will be offered to help you tailor the practice to your body, treatment, and the phases of your cycle.

I don’t live in the US, can I sign up?

Yes, I’d love to have you join!

What’s your refund policy?

No refunds will be offered.

Embody Fertility Yoga Series and Retreat Recordings
One time

I have tons of free fertility yoga videos on YouTube you can access anytime!

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